Price Comparison

Brown Paper Beef vs. the Supermarket

One of the best things about buying from Brown Paper Beef are our prices. Our prices are very competitive with chain store supermarket prices, but you get healthier, higher quality, dry aged beef that's pasture raised, ethically and in harmony with the natural environment.

Brown Paper Beef vs. the Whole Grocer

You can find similar quality beef at your local whole grocer or health food store, but it's significantly more expensive. In fact, you'll find that the price of just their ground beef is generally more expensive per pound than the average price of our beef packages, and all of our packages include cuts like New York Strip Steaks, Filet Mignon, Ribeye Steaks, T-bones, etc. as well as a variety of boneless roasts, brisket, sirloin tip and skirt steaks, Flanken style short ribs and more. Of course you get hamburger too.

Whole Grocer Prices

Cut of Beef Price Per Pound*
Filet Mignon (Tenderloin Steak) $37.99
NY Strip Steak (Top Loin Steak) $23.99
Delmonico Steak (Ribeye Steak) $23.99
Top Sirloin Steak $14.99
Tri-Tip Roast $13.49
Ground Beef $9.49

*prices as of March, 2012

Have Your Beef & Eat It Too!

Buying direct from Brown Paper Beef lets you have the best of everything: the highest quality grass fed, grass finished and naturally raised beef at prices you're used to paying for lower quality beef that's been implanted with growth hormones, raised on grain, and confined in feedlots.