Ordering Brown Paper Beef

Please see the links at right for more information!

Ordering Is Simple

Ordering your grass fed and grass finished Brown Paper Beef couldn't be easier. Just contact us and tell us what you want. We'll ask you to send in a deposit and tell you when your beef will be ready. We'll deliver your beef to your door and collect the rest of your payment. That's it!

And of course your beef purchase is fully guaranteed, so you can order with confidence.

Credit Cards

We don't take credit cards and the reason is simple: cost. Credit card companies charge between 2% and 4% of the total bill, and we would have to pass that cost on to you. A side of beef isn't exactly an impulse purchase and we just don't see any reason to make your beef more expensive.


To keep quality where we insist it be, we only finish our beef at specific times of year when the grass in our pastures is of the highest quality. Please check back here to see the next date when we'll have beef available.

Our next availability is: TBA - Please see notice on our home page.


Deposit & Reservation

We ask for a deposit with your order. Deposit amounts are listed on our Prices & Packages page. Your deposit will serve to reserve your Brown Paper Beef. We produce a limited quantity of our beef and it sells out quickly so we encourage you to order as soon as you're sure you want to buy.

Deposits are fully refundable prior to 30 days before your scheduled delivery date. After that, your deposit is not refundable. However, if you cancel your order inside the 30 days and we're subsequently able to find a buyer for your beef, we will refund your deposit. We don't double bill, ever.

Family & Friends

We're often asked if friends or family members can “go in” on a side or whole beef and the answer is yes! We're happy to work with you to collect deposits and payments from the members of your group and we'll deliver quarter beef shares or larger to the different members of your group according to our shipping policy. Shipping for shares smaller than a quarter will be charged at our cost.